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Home > Conventional accounting in a sentence

Conventional accounting in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-03-01Updated:2024-03-01
Similar words: national accountinginternational accountinginternal accountingnational income accountingaccrual accountinggovernmental accountingsocial accountinggeneral accounting
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1 The conventional accounts of violence against women suggest that most men who are violent to women are mentally unstable in some way.
2 In conventional accounting, the accounting data must be revised and reclassified if they are to be used in cost control.
3 Conventional accounting statements are not adjusted for change in the value of the dollar . Accounting Period.
4 Thus, conventional accounting only allows less than half of our earnings "iceberg" to appear above the surface,( in plain view.
5 With the improvement of domestic economy, the conventional accounting model cannot meet with the requirements of modem enterprises, price variation accounting management model is the need of market.
6 It is just that our conventional accounting methods do not reflect them on the balance sheet.
7 Conventional accounting concept and method haven't adapted the request of modern management.
8 This thesis is to provide a constructive and effective means to implement HR accounting, which combines HR management and conventional accounting method.
9 On the other hand, some people feel that valuation is a modeling activity that goes beyond conventional accounting and should not be directly linked to the SNA.
10 The strategic management has thrown down the gauntlet against conventional accounting for management.
More similar words: national accountinginternational accountinginternal accountingnational income accountingaccrual accountinggovernmental accountingsocial accountinggeneral accountingconventional algorithmconventionalfinancial accountingconventionallymanagerial accountingunconventionalaccounting entityconventionalityconventionalismconventional formunconventionallygeneral accounting officeconventionalizedunconventionalityconstitutional conventionconventional methodconventional systemconventional equipmentaccounting equationaccounting functioninternational conventionsaccounting information
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